¨ Published in the Expert Voice Section of CIO Insight China, April 2010. IT challenges and Business Alignment for Wholesalers, Retailers and E-Commerce.
¨ Published in the February, 2008 issue of Chain Store Age highlighting my PCI compliance level and IT network security implementations.
¨ Focus of the 2007 segment of World Business Review recognizing my initiatives with double layer network protection, better intrusion prevention and greater controls over spam, denial of service attacks and network intrusions.
¨ Featured on the front page cover story in the July, 2007 issue of ‘Mobile Enterprise” magazine for my systems development and deployment of wireless technologies throughout business.
¨ In addition, the July, 2007 issue of ‘Mobile Enterprise” magazine featured another article on “The Global Grocer” highlighting my ecommerce initiatives and ability to sell and ship any product — perishable and non-perishable— anywhere in the world.
¨ Recognized by InformationWeek 500, for three consecutive years 2003, 2004 and 2005, as one of the most innovative users of information technology, inclusive of IP Telephony, wireless environments, mobile devices, remote HVAC monitoring, alarm generation, along with remote store surveillance and intrusion detection systems built upon the entire store/warehouse/corporate network technology.
¨ InformationWeek 500 Global CIO “Retail: General Merchandising: Retail Industry Holds On Tight” 2003
¨ InformationWeek 500 “Retail: General Merchandising: Stores Look For Service With ROI” 2004